A downloadable project for Windows, macOS, and Android

This is something I did for Self-Care Jam 2.

This year was a bit of a rollercoaster for me & my friend as we struggled with an endless stream of boring stuff and it didn't come to an end, yet. During this time, we got angry, anxious, happy and back to being angry.

When I saw Self-Care Jam 2, I thought this will be a good way to express our need to relax a little bit before the year ends so I brought in "Motus" to help me with that. Motus is the only character from one of our previous games, "Motus: Endless Run", who was beating like a heart on the main menu.

Motus is yours to take care now. When you are filled with bad feelings and want to relax, you can invite Motus on your phone or your desktop to help you with that.


Motus.apk 6 MB
Motus.zip 3 MB
Motus.dmg 4 MB

Install instructions

Motus.apk: After you download the file, you should tap and install the Motus.apk file on your file manager. After that, it should appear on your phone.

Motus.zip: After you download the file, you should unzip the file, open Motus.Win32 folder and double click on Motus.exe.

Motus.dmg: After you download the file, double click it. After that, right-click on the Motus icon and select Open.

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